HR Management

Human Resources Management

Our services in Human Resources Management include but are not limited to the following:

Abatwane will be able to help you create an effective Human Resources strategy which direct the overall behaviour of your Company. This assists with employees’ development, enabling them to align with the specific business aims and to effectively drive business development.

There are various types of HR audits, each with a different goal in mind. The two main types are risk mitigation and value creation. Optimal Management of human resources is key to employee satisfaction in the workplace, which in turn leads to higher outputs and a better overall work experience for everyone involved. Let Abatwane assist you in doing your audits to ensure you maximize the potential of your human capital.

At Abatwane we have decades of experience helping Companies to create and implement an objective salary bands system which considers market-related salaries. Using the information which you will provide us with, we will collaborate with you to draw up an organogram which breaks down your business into various levels.

The salary bands illustrated on an organogram includes factors such as job levels/grading, job roles and responsibilities. One of our main focuses is how to keep employees motivated and happy. This can present potential opportunities that you may had never thought possible.

This is a legal document which is a signed agreement between an employee and an employer. It establishes the rights and responsibilities of the two parties. It regulates the terms and conditions between the employer and employee. The following should be noted in all contracts: Benefits, Remuneration, all applicable Labour Legislation, Leave and Notice Periods. Abatwane can also assist you with verification of qualifications and criminal checks.

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